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Cuppa and Chat

Cuppa and Chat is exactly what it says on the tin! 


It's a half termly opportunity to pop in and catch up with key staff whilst enjoying a cuppa (and cakes/biscuits!). It also gives you the chance to meet and chat to other parents - to listen, share advice / thoughts etc. Pre-schoolers are welcome too. 


We try to explore a variety of themes which are parent-led. We often have visitors joining us to share their expertise. If you have any topics you wish to be covered please let us know! 


These sessions and friendly and informal - a perfect way to meet new people whilst supporting your child, yourself and your and wider family. Watch out for upcoming dates on the school newsletter! We also put out our Cuppa and Chat board the day before events (and on the day) to remind you. 


We look forward to seeing you soon!


Here are links to presentations which have run during sessions: